Carson Unaware!

Both WBIR and WATE ran initial stories about School Boarder and 2004 Democrat Primary Voter Karen Carson announcing her candidacy for State Representative 14th District to replace former State Representative Ryan Haynes.

Her mentor Diane Jabalonski was soundly defeated for the same position in the 2004 Republican Primary when she challenged former 14th House State Representative Parkey Strader.

Both gal pals got into a little trouble 10 days ago when Mike Donila revealed that Jabs was soliciting contributions without a Treasurer and having a campaign fund established. Read Donila’s report here. Read the report from 9 days ago here on BrianHornback.Com

Sources indicate that when WBIR first published their report, a question was asked where is the mention of a political party? WBIR has updated the story that she is expected to run as a Republican. WATE still has the original story based on the release where no political party was mentioned.

Will the media force Carson to acknowledge her intent to step down from the school board?

Former State Rep. Shelby Rhinehart who served in the legislature representing Bledsoe, Sequatchie, Van Buren and parties of Grundy, Marion and Wayne Counties. In addition, he served as Chairman of Van Buren School Board since 1957 while serving in the legislature. Rhinehart passed away a few years ago.

Will the media force Carson to declare her intention? Of course she has a tendancy to lie. She even admitted in a video from the balanced calendar input session at Farragut that she doesn’t stick to what she tells people.



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3 Responses

  1. OakRidger says:

    I hope this is FINALLY the campaign that she and her ‘husband’ have to answer for the frivolous lawsuits that they have filed (and lost) against the federal government so he can sit on his butt and never show up in Oak Ridge or go where he has been assigned. They are the Tammy and Jim Bakker (crying and acting all pitiful) so he doesn’t have to interact with coworkers and work all the while drawing a big salary out of the taxpayers wallet.

  2. When will they learn? says:

    How exactly does Jason Zachary stand a chance in this race? In the Farragut precincts Zachary got a total of 2,515 votes in his only election. In her last BOE race Carson got 3,571 votes in those same precincts. Carson has served almost three four year terms on BOE. Eleven years. Combine that with that YouTube of Zachary on education, and RINO Carson wins.

    Who is running the GOP these days? Do they understand math? Carson and Jablonski will break the rules. They already have. But did anyone file an election complaint? Hell no. They sat on their hands and Carson filed.

    Carson and Jablonski will get the Haslam money. And the crazy Chuck Jensen money. This is a RINO nightmare. Sandra Clark loves her some Carson. Ditto Jack McElroy at KNS. Is this really the time for a Teabagging CarpetBagger to go up against Super RINO? Should have filed that election complaint geniuses.

  3. BHornback says:

    It’s only been 11 days since the campaign finance laws were violated. A complaint can still be filed, they are using Thomas Deakins as the Treasurer to try and shield them. Problem is Thomas is too short and small to shield the two of them. Deakins is being educated about what he has hooked his wagon too.